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  • Planted:

I just learned the word “blogroll”—first seen on Manu Moreale’s blog. I added mine at /blogroll. I don’t know if this is one of those omg-how-did-I-go-so-long-without-knowing-that things, or if it’s just an early web blogosphere thing I missed.

I think they’ve probably gone out of fashion because the Google search results for “blogroll” are mostly websites with mid 2000s aesthetics. From O’Reilly:

A blogroll is a list of links to blogs that the blogger likes. A blogroll is usually included in the blog’s sidebar. Some bloggers split their blogrolls into categories.

I’d like them to come back into fashion. When I discover an amazing new (to me) blog/person and go on a reading spree of their website, chances are I’d also like whoever they like. It would be a great thread to pull. Or maybe it would just be lots of open browser tabs.

